3 Lucky Turtles

12 Feng Shui Mirror Taboos That Will Freak You Out

Author: David Hu
WordCount: 1600


Unless you’re a hermit, you will have seen and heard the story of Snow White.

Image for post A cartoon of Evil Queen asking the mirror, 'who's the fairest of them all.'
A cartoon of Evil Queen asking the mirror, 'who's the fairest of them all.'

Evil Queen asks the mirror, “who’s the fairest of them all.”

The fairy tale tells a story of an obsessed queen and her stepdaughter princess, Snow White.

The plot device of the story is the queen’s mirror.

But this is no ordinary mirror.

There is a mysterious spirit in the mirror and he’s a slave to the queen.

When asked any questions by the queen, the spirit in the mirror will always reply with truths.

What does the magic mirror in Snow White have to do with feng shui?

Mirror has long been associated with mysticism in various cultures.

In Lewis Carroll’s sequel to Alice in Wonderland, Alice enters a fantasy world by climbing through a mirror.

During Edo Japan (1603-1867), artisans made magic mirrors to reflect images like Buddha onto the wall.


Ancient Greeks believed that one’s soul lived in reflective pools of water.

That’s why there’s this belief that broken mirrors can bring bad luck.

Mirror in Chinese Culture and Feng Shui

A mirror is a common household item.

In feng shui, a mirror can collect qi energy.

Unbeknownst to many, there’s a great chance of putting it in the wrong place.

Because of this, a mirror is like a double-edged sword.

If you use the mirror correctly you will prosper.

You can even use it to cure a bad feng shui position.

A mirror can absorb auspicious chi if you place it in an auspicious area.

On the contrary, a mirror can absorb shā qì or negative energy when placed in an unsuitable position.

Because of this, a mirror is a compelling object in the world of feng shui.

The mirror has the following 12 taboo places in feng shui.

Mirror Facing Bed

If you position the mirror facing the bed, the mirror will reflect the energy to the person sleeping.

Image for post Illustration of a bed facing a mirror on the wall.
Illustration of a bed facing a mirror on the wall.

A bed facing a mirror is not a good feng shui.

This may make people sleep restlessly and prone to nightmares and even insomnia.

Mirror Facing Desk

If you hang a mirror facing a desk, it can quickly get you distracted when working or studying.

Image for post An illustration of a mirror facing a working desk.
An illustration of a mirror facing a working desk.

Having a mirror in front of your desk is a distraction.

Mirror Facing Toilet

You must not place a mirror in front of the toilet.

In this position, the mirror will reflect the foul smell or negative energy released from the toilet.

Mirror in Living Room Facing Stove

A kitchen is a place for cooking. Now if you are using a gas stove then it is advisable not to place a mirror in the living room, facing the kitchen.

Image for post An illustration of a mirror facing a working desk.
An illustration of a mirror facing a working desk.

It is advisable not to place a mirror facing the kitchen with a stove.

Fire coming from the stove is fierce energy.

Symbolically, the mirror will reflect the fire in the kitchen into the living room and this can bring ill effects to the occupants.

Mirror In Wealth Position

It’s taboo to place mirrors in the wealth position of the house.

Image for post Illustration of two mirrors at the sides of the living room's door.
Illustration of two mirrors at the sides of the living room's door.

Placing mirrors at the sides of the front door is not auspicious in feng shui.

The living room’s wealth position is on the left and right corner of the door.

Placing mirrors in the living room’s wealth position is akin to the mirror deflecting your source of income.

Mirror Facing Toilet Bowl

Similar to a mirror must not face a toilet door, a mirror must not be facing the toilet bowl.

Image for post Illustration of two mirrors at the sides of the living room's door.
Illustration of two mirrors at the sides of the living room's door.

A mirror facing a toilet bowl will magnify the stale energy coming from the toilet bowl.

When the mirror faces the toilet bowl, it will magnify the stale energy emitting from the toilet bowl.

This will have a bad effect on the health and luck of the occupants.

Mirror Facing Main Door

A mirror must not be facing the main door because the main door is the area to absorb wealth.

If the mirror is facing the front door, it will block the wealth from coming into the house.

Mirror In the Ceiling

A mirror must not be embedded in the ceiling.

Image for post Illustration of two mirrors at the sides of the living room's door.
Illustration of two mirrors at the sides of the living room's door.

You must avoid putting mirrors on your ceiling as it can dissipate the vitality of yourself and your family members.

If the mirror is placed on the ceiling, it will dissipate the wealth and vitality of the occupants.

Mirror Facing Upward or Downward Staircase

The mirror must not be facing an upward and downward staircase.

If the mirror is facing downstairs, it will increase the shā qì emitted by the downward staircase.

Image for post Illustration of a mirror facing a downward staircase in the house.
Illustration of a mirror facing a downward staircase in the house.

Avoid placing a mirror facing a staircase in the house.

This is unfavorable to the financial fortune and health of the occupants.

Such poor feng shui condition applies if a mirror faces an upward staircase.

Mirror Opposite Neighbor’s Main Door

Putting a mirror on your main door which then reflects directly into your opposite neighbor’s house is a big no-no.

Image for post Illustration of a woman hanging a Bagua mirror on her front door.
Illustration of a woman hanging a Bagua mirror on her front door.

You must not hang a Bagua mirror at your front door if your house is opposite a neighbor’s house.

Not only this is bad feng shui etiquette, but you will also harm your neighbor’s feng shui position.

What is there to stop your neighbor from putting a similar mirror to counter your action?

In the end, there will be a feud between you and your neighbor.

As feng shui is all about harmony with your surroundings, avoid this at all costs.

Mirror in Broken Pieces

Some mirrors are piece-by-piece designs. Avoid these kinds of mirrors at all costs.

Image for post Illustration of a mirror with a joined multiple pieces design.
Illustration of a mirror with a joined multiple pieces design.

Always use a single-piece mirror.

Reflection on yourself and your family members in such a mirror is akin to dispersing one’s soul.

If a mirror has cracked, always replace it immediately.

Too Many Mirrors and In Slanting Position

If possible, avoid putting too many mirrors in your house. 1 or 2 mirrors are fine, but anything more than that is overkill and poor feng shui.

Placing mirrors obliquely, and having too many mirrors at home will make your home look gloomy, scary, and cold.

A mirror must be flat on the wall and always avoid putting them in a slanting position.

Suitable Mirror Placements in the House

A mirror can diverge and expand energy.

As we illustrated above, putting it in the wrong place or a bad place will intensify the energy and lead to shā qì.

But a mirror can also promote wealth and good luck in feng shui and resolve a bad position in feng shui.

If placed correctly mirror can also make the area more spacious.

Mirror in Dining Room

A mirror is suitable to be placed in the dining room or table against the wall.

Image for post Illustration of a mirror facing a dining table.
Illustration of a mirror facing a dining table.

A mirror facing a dining table is auspicious.

The dining hall is where we eat our food and to the Chinese, this signifies the health of our material welfare.

A mirror in front of the dining table accentuates the positive energy from the dining table and makes the house more auspicious.

Mirror in Narrow Spaces

A home that has narrow or shallow space is poor feng shui as it is difficult to accumulate wealth and is considered inauspicious.

Image for post Illustration of a mirror in a living room with narrow space.
Illustration of a mirror in a living room with narrow space.

A mirror in a narrow space can improve the area’s feng shui by magnifying the positive energy around it.

To resolve this poor feng shui situation, put a mirror at the back of the living room on the wall.

The reflection of the mirror and the expansion of energy can make the house deeper and more balanced, thus improving the fortune of its residents.

Mirror in Pleasing Area

Another great position of mirror placement within the house is where you can view the beautiful scenery such as a terrace or balcony.

Image for post Illustration of a mirror on the balcony.
Illustration of a mirror on the balcony.

Placing a mirror near the balcony where you can have a pleasant view is considered auspicious.

For example, you can hang a mirror facing views of mountains, trees, and bushes on a balcony area.

Such beautiful scenery reflected in the mirror symbolically means the mirror has absorbed the auspicious energy and consequently boosted the feng shui of the house.


One last reminder before closing.

As we can see, a mirror is a powerful object in feng shui and we must use it wisely.

Just as a wrong mirror placement could harm you and your family members feng shui-wise, you can use it to make your house more auspicious. It cuts both ways.

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